How to wash

Follow our steps below to get the best results from your Wash&Go washing machines

Reserve a washer for up to 10 minutes before going to the laundry room. Only pay for a program when you are in the laundry


When in the laundry, open the app and check which washing machine is available and select the machine or go to your reserved machine

Maybe you need more than 1 machine? Placing more than 1 standard load (see sticker with maximum load on washing machine) in a machine will cause washers not to wash or spin correctly and dryers not to dry your load completely. It may even damage your laundry


Gently open the door and check machine

Quickly check the drum inside to make sure there is no residue or substance from previous user’s wash left


Select a program and pay in the app

Check the labels of your items which program suits best. For example, heavy items like jumpers or towels will need a high spin cycle, and delicates may need shorter cycles and low temperatures with no need for a spin. Check also descriptions of the programs in the app


Load your items into the machine

After buying the program you have 5 minutes to load the machine and press start

Please make sure your pockets are EMPTY. Items like hairpins, paper clips, tooth picks and gum can make serious damage to your laundry and the machine


Add detergent straight in the drum

Do not use softener as this can cause damage to your laundry in direct contact

Make sure the door is closed well by gently pushing in the middle, otherwise the machine goes out of order and does not start


Press start

Press green button on the machine to start

Wait till the machine starts before leaving the laundry

Do not force to open the door of the washing machine while in use


Pick up your items as soon as the cycle is finished so the next person can use the machine

Do not force the door as it may stay locked for a short time until all water is drained or the drum has fully cooled down

In the app you can enable notifications and get a message when your cycle is finished or check the indicative cycle times in the app


Think about your neighbor and leave the machine clean

Reach out to us via contact in the app
